Return to Research Protocol

COVID-19 related guidance and resources for working in the SanGiovanni Laboratory:

All research personnel should be properly trained in research procedures and safe equipment use. Researchers should remain flexible to changing circumstances and remain postured and prepared to safely/securely ramp down operations in the future, as necessary. Please consult Research, Innovation and Impact (RII) for any questions/concerns.

The purpose of this protocol, which should be reviewed prior to entering the laboratory, is to: 1) Ensure all researchers evaluate and plan for the health and safety of researchers, participants, and potentially impacted communities prior to resuming research or commencing new research; 2) Assist researchers to review their critical operations, plans, approvals, and equipment before resuming or commencing new operations following the UArizona temporary closure.

For in-person, face-to-face interaction:
All involved are consistently able to (or anticipated to be able to) follow and maintain physical distancing, according to CDC guidelines throughout any inperson interactions.

Research staff will utilize the hierarchy of controls to ensure physical distancing is maintained or mitigated by additional control measures.

For Human Subjects projects:
The level of our projects with Human Subjects falls within the “None/Low/Medium” categories as outlined in the IRB’s “Resuming human studies” document where proper conditions/mitigation efforts will be achieved and maintained.

For use of face coverings:
Employees, students, and visitors must use face coverings as follows:

For cleaning and disinfection:
Researchers will follow established cleaning and disinfection routines for all research spaces and environments.

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